Thursday 22 February 2007

The Raw Marathon Starts Here...

I am coming to the end of developing one of my goals that has been in the pipeline for some time now. All will be clear very, very soon. Just watch this space. So naturally my mind begins to wonder as to what will be my next focus. I generally have one to two big, time consuming goals, and about 3 goals that I can come back to when I have a spare minute to two. So very shortly I will have room for something else in my life. I’ve been thinking hard about what I would like this to be, and have found my solution. I’m going to do something totally for me. Since Total Raw Food and Raw Lifestyle Coaching have been big projects for me; I want to have a major out of business focus. Of course course I wont allow my business and coaching to suffer in anyway, as it's going to be one great positive experience!

The goal

I decided at the weekend that I’m going to run another marathon, hopefully later on in 2007. For me, training for a marathon is like a part time job in itself, so I will have to draw up a realistic schedule, and stick to it if I am going to get a PB (Personal Best time.)

Why on earth??

Don't ask! I've finally lost the plot! :0) It’s been years now since I did my first and last marathon, and when I look at my life, health and general outlook and compare it to now, I’m like a new person! When I ran the Flora London Marathon, I had not long cured myself of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, so I was still going though big changes in my body, mind and self… I was high raw in training, but lacked superfoods (because they weren’t really readily available in this county, like they are today).

My one area that I think back to and cringe was making use of gel packs and commercial energy drinks during long runs (over 2 hours on my feet) and the actual marathon itself. Gel packs and energy drinks contain sugar, maltodextrin and electrolytes including sodium. There are natural alternatives, I just didn’t know about them back then.

The training diet

Throughout training I plan to keep to my usual total raw vegan diet, although I am seriously going to go through it with a fine tooth comb, and get rid of anything that is not benefiting my body for running. I barely touch nuts now, but they will be a real no-no for me, if I want to take things on to the next level.

My training plan

This is going to be interesting. I’m so ambitious with training that I have to be realistic when it comes down to hard reality. I’m going to enlist the help of a world class athletic pro, to set me off on the right foot. If I’m going to do this, then I’m going to at least try and do it properly!


I’ve got my eye on a few potential marathons, but haven’t decided on ‘the one’ as yet. I’m also going to have to choose a 5KM, 10KM, and Half Marathon race, in preparation for the big day itself. As I write this, I wonder if I’ve gone mad! I keep getting flash backs of how I felt last time round! I think the Half will be in Leeds on my birthday weekend in May; I can visit all my family then at the same time. I’m getting nervous just writing about it, so I’m going to take it all in bite sized chunks.

At the beginning

I started my training officially today (21/2/07) and despite a recent excersise history of cross training for 45 min at a time, 3-4 times a week, plus yoga and weight sessions, it was tough. I was surprised how I felt, but to be fair I was on my 21st hour of a 23 hour fast, so that might just make up for it. I had also been to the gym, the sauna and teaching a yoga class the night before.

The fact that I open my front door straight onto the Chiltern Hills makes for strong training in the long run, but its hell on earth at the beginning! I’ll keep posted as to what’s happening with these plans

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